a newcomer to the UFC scene in 2025, Yoo Joo Sang has been making waves in the cage since becoming the first Korean fighter to earn a direct ticket to the UFC at ZFN 02. We caught up with him to discuss his path to the Octagon and what he hopes to accomplish in the future
Q. can you tell us a little bit about yourself? My name is Ju Sang Yoo and I came to the UFC directly from ZFN 02. I’m very happy to be the 25th Korean fighter in the UFC. thank you for your continued support and interest.
Q. you’re the only Korean fighter to get a direct ticket to the UFC, is it surreal? I still can’t believe it. I’m very happy, but it’ll take a while for it to sink in. Q. i heard you signed a UFC contract shortly after the fight, is that correct? after the fight, Mateusz Camilo signed first, and then it was my turn. The moment I heard the words “Welcome to UFC Yoo,” my head went blank, and I don’t remember much after that because I was so excited. Q. can you tell us what it was like when you signed? Right after the fight, the arena was still being cleaned up, and I was waiting on one side with Camilo, and then Dana White came on the video, and when I saw him on the screen, it felt so unreal, like I was watching a recording. Q. are there any fighters you look up to or styles you strive for? I would say two fighters. First, Conor McGregor from his featherweight days. He’s a guy a lot of fighters look up to, and I love his aggressive style
then there’s ZFN CEO and Korean fighting legend Chung Chan Sung, who is an inspiration to many fighters and someone I look up to as well.
Q. Your victory interview at ZFN 02 was impressive. was it something you prepared for? McGregor famously shouted “Dana, 60G’s baby” during his UFC debut in 2013, and I thought I said something similar, but when I watched the video again, I was a little embarrassed, so I realized I should try to be more spontaneous in future interviews. Q. What are you most concerned about since entering the UFC? I think the most important thing is to overcome the difference in performance that comes from the physical difference. There is definitely a difference in fight level, so I am focusing on strength training to overcome it, and I plan to train more systematically in the future. Q. do you have a post-fight ceremony planned? I haven’t finalized anything yet, but I’m always thinking about it, and I think it will come naturally when I get my first fight. Q. Is there anyone you’d like to fight in the UFC?Ilya Toppuria. He’s the top guy in my weight class right now, so I’d love to fight him one day. I don’t think I’m good enough yet, but I think I’ll be good enough in two or three years. I’m ready for anyone I have to beat to become champion. Q. do you have a nickname for yourself? I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of years now. Most great fighters have a nickname that comes naturally to them because they are loved by the fans, so I’m waiting for that. Q. do you have a favorite style of music you listen to? I listen to upbeat music when I’m working out, but I usually listen to a lot of calming music, like jazz. Fighting is such an intense sport, so I find it helpful to listen to music that calms me down when I’m not training. Q. what’s your favorite food? I love offal, I used to eat it two or three times a day, but then I realized it wasn’t good for me, so now I only eat it once a year. Nowadays I try to eat beef with marinade, or something lighter like shabu-shabu. Q. short and thick versus long and lean. I don’t have a long time frame to become a champion, I want to make an impact every time I fight, and I’m thinking about about five years as a fighter. Q. do you have any words of resolve for the new year? I’m fighting on a bigger and stronger stage, but I believe in myself. If I didn’t have a goal to become a champion, I wouldn’t have challenged the UFC. It’s just the beginning. i will make a new history in Korean fighting.
Yoo Joo Sang is just getting started in the UFC, but his goals are already set: intense fights, impressive wins, and a championship belt. Fight fans are eager to see what he will do next.
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