New York Rockefeller Center Rockefeller Center New York Hotels ep.2

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get to know Rockefeller Center, located between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in Manhattan, New York City

it’s been 90 years since Rockefeller Center was built in 1930 and became a tourist attraction in New York City.

호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔

it follows the architecture of the 1920s skyscrapers | Source: cetraruddy Loved for its classic design style and designed by New York architectural firm cetraruddy호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔The chevron pattern on the facade gives it character | Source: cETRARUDDY호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔It takes on a different mood at night | Source: cETRARUDDY Chevron brass panels adorn the exterior, creating a subtle swirling pattern around the windows at night. We’re back in Rockefeller Center, a place that is uniquely Manhattan. there’s something timeless about the style of Rockefeller Center, which has been around for a very long time and still maintains its reputation.호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔A lobby filled with various patterns | Source: CetraRuddy

호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터뉴욕호텔
A lounge and bar located next to the rain. you can also see the outdoor garden in the back Source: CetraRuddy
The decorative design of the exterior continues inside. the lobby floor is accented with geometric tiles, and the walls are covered in a variety of different but classy patterns. the brass continues into the interior to create a sense of unity, while the lounge and bar located next to the lobby is a deep blue color that creates a different atmosphere.호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔Clean but luxurious contrasting residential interiors | Source: CetraRuddy The dark kitchen and the light-toned living room create a stark contrast호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔

a view of the lobby lounge | Source: CetraRuddy

호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔

lounge and game room on the mezzanine level | Source: CetraRuddy

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a wide range of amenities including a party room | Source: CetraRuddy

the residential building, named Rose Hill, also includes a wide range of internal and external amenity facilities. there’s a 15-meter indoor swimming pool, squash court, sauna, gym, bike storage, and even a pet grooming shop. there are even guest rooms for residents’ friends and family, which are available by appointment.

호텔 뉴욕 롤펠러센터 뉴욕호텔

rose Hill is located within sight of the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building | Source: CetraRuddy

the hotel is located within sight of the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building, which is said to have a special significance for the Rockefeller Group, as they were together in the 1930s when Rockefeller Center was built.

we’ve covered some of the most famous hotels abroad, and we’ll be covering more hot spots and cool hotels at home and abroad.

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